A conference in memory of the late Dr Moana Jackson, this two-day hui aims to continue the constitutional conversations sparked through Matike Mai Aotearoa, and which have carried on through the Māori Constitutional Convention 2021, Constitutional Kōrero 2022, the Power in Our Truth Conference 2023 and many other forums.
Building on these earlier ideas and discussions, this conference will focus specifically on the practical steps towards designing an inclusive constitution for Aotearoa. It will explore constitutional design questions, potential structures and procedures, and identify concrete actions that individuals, groups, whānau, hapū, iwi, organisations and communities can consider, discuss, build support around or implement themselves.
Drawing on the values identified in the 2016 Matike Mai report, an amazing lineup of speakers will share their thoughts on how these values can be translated into, and implemented through, a reimagined, inclusive Te Tiriti-based constitution.
The conference is a partnership between: Te Kāhui Tika Tangata Human Rights Commission, the National Iwi Chairs Forum and Te Puna Rangahau o Te Wai Ariki | Centre for Indigenous Peoples and the Law, University of Auckland.
Funding support has been provided by J R McKenzie Trust, Te Wānanga o Raukawa, Michael & Suzanne Borrin Foundation, and the Sir Ted Thomas Social Justice Project administered by the University of Auckland Law School.
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